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靈芝王生命液| Ty-e Life Cure

樂生命 |靈芝王生命液

樂生命 |靈芝王生命液

Mr. Ho Ping Author of the Water of Life

I want to call it in a modest way: ‘The Water of Life’! (Global Entrepreneur 1998 Vol. 7)

You may find it surprising if I think Ty-e Life Cure is similar to the bible. You may know something about the bible, but you don’t know anything about Ty-e Life Cure and their similarity.

Let me tell you. Ty-e Life Cure is a kind of supplement. Ty-e Life Cure doesn’t aim at curing serious illnesses, but it has cured a lot of serious patients. Ty-e Life Cure isn’t a normal supplement, but it can make the elderly strong like the normal supplements. People who are facing problems of kidney, liver, prostate can experience its immediate effects. Even the children who have canker has get cured. It can actually cure all kinds of problems.

I think of the bible. It’s like a magic book. It’s magical as everyone can find their stories in the bible. No matter what people want, the bible can provide. Like when we are sad, the bible can comfort us. When we are happy, it praises. When we are facing difficulties, it encourages. When we do not know how to decide, it acts like a light tower. Do you understand now? Ty-e Life Cure doesn’t aim at curing any specific diseases, however, it can satisfy us with all the things. The bible can nurse our mind, Ty-e Life Cure can nurse our health.

Author of the Water of Life

Ho Ping

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